
>> More customers & enquiries

Effective internet marketing produces more customers & enquiries - achieved by focusssing on just 3 clicks!!

Click 1: Attract Target!

From search engine, clicking straight onto your site.

We utilise the full range of internet marketing tools, ie Search Engine Optimisation, Pay for Click AdvertisingAffiliate MarketingEmail marketing & Social Media in "optimally" to maximiise new visitors for your budget.

Click 2: Motivate Interest!

Clicking deeper into your site to find out more

We ensure your home page has stand out graphics & headlines that make the right initial impression capturing your visitors attention.

The next step is to motivate interest in your products and services by ensuring well written copy, packed with features & benefits, good quality photography and increasingly web video which is now so important ..  people take notice of video and prefer it over text and are 64% more likely to purchase according to Forrester Research  >> read more

Click 3: Stimulate Action! 

Producing a direct contact to you or placing of an order or enquiry.

Once you have "motivated" visitors this is the easy bit .. by including a direct "call to action" on every page.

For further information about how we build customers and enquiries please contact us on 01844299053 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.